Registration Success

Thank you. We have sent you an email to demo@demo.test. Please click the link in the message to activate your account.
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Personal Information
Address Information

Permanent Address

Communication Address   (   )

Association & Bank Details

Home Association

Bank Details

Qualification Details
Qualification 1

Qualification 2

Qualification 3

Qualification 4
File Uploads
Click to add profile picture
Click to add DOB Proof
Click to add Identity Proof

Photograph: Acceptable only Passport size photo. Accepted file formats are .jpg and .png, and the maximum upload file size is 3MB.

DOB proof: Acceptable documents are Birth certificate, Aadhar card or 10th Mark Sheet. Accepted file formats are .jpg and .png, and the maximum upload file size is 3MB.

Identity proof: Acceptable documents are Aadhar, Voter Id or Passport. Accepted file formats are .jpg and .png, and the maximum upload file size is 3MB.
